Get In Touch
Radik Shvarts
Brooklyn, NY
ph: 917-743-6005

Web and Social Images

The three building blocks of graphic design are visuals, typography, and negative space. My fine art background, combined with years of professional graphic design experience, enables me to create visually captivating images.

Conference Hero Images, ASME

Tools: Photoshop

Founded in 1880, the American Society for Mechanical Engineers is a professional association that promotes engineering best practices around the globe. The company sponsors over 20 engineering conferences per year, both in the US and around the globe.

From 2011 to 2020 I was responsible for creating lead hero images for most of these events. Additionally, these images were used in creation of email headers, web banners, print, and other promotional materials. Shown here are examples from 2018-2020.

↓ Use your keyboard left and right arrows, or the arrows in the slideshow, or click-and-move with your mouse to go through examples

Newsletter Headers, ASME

Tools: Illustrator, Photoshop

At ASME my responsibilities included eBlast and Newsletter creation, both design and HTML coding. Presented here are examples of email headers dated 2018-2020, when I was creating design only, while HTML was mostly delegated to other team members.

↓ Use left and right arrows or click-and-flip with your mouse to go through examples

Social Media Images, CareAR

Tools: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator

CareAR is an augmented reality support platform company, a part of the Xerox Corporation software unit.

I was responsible for the design and the page layout of playbooks, white papers, and slide decks; creating social media and website images, trade show booth banners, infographics, illustrations, and icon sets.

↓ Use your keyboard left and right arrows, or the arrows in the slideshow, or click-and-move with your mouse to go through examples

Compositing In-Situation Images, CareAR​

Tools: Photoshop

At CareAR, one of my responsibilities was composing natural-looking seamless in-situation images of agents and customers using the app. Additional challenge was that I was limited by having to use mostly less-than-perfect assets found on free stock photo sites.

Final images here are shown next to the source stock photos used to create them.

↓ Use your keyboard left and right arrows, or the arrows in the slideshow, or click-and-move with your mouse to go through examples

Let’s Talk

I am open to full-time, contract, and freelance opportunities in New York and remotely.